Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mars vs. Venus: The time issue...

Have you ever noticed that time is not actually a linear measurement? It stretches out and, at times, almost seems to stop.

However, for the most part I can tell you exactly how much time any given activity is going to take and schedule my time accordingly. Up until I met RR I didn't realize that not everyone can do this...

He can't. His brain is not wired the same way mine is and this leads to some interesting time-related conversations...

Such as:

Me: Hey there, I'm going to be home in 15 minutes. Want to meet me and then go for a walk on the beach?

RR: Sure, I'll be there right about the same time.

So, I proceed to go home and then wait. And wait. And wait. And tap my foot a lot and wait...

And then RR shows up around an hour later.

I, being a woman, am pissed (of course). RR, on the other hand, is oblivious to the reason why I could possibly want to rip his lips off.


So, now our time related conversations go something like this:

Me: Hey there, I'm going to be home in 15 minutes. Want to meet me and then go for a walk on the beach?

RR: Sure, I'll be there right about the same time.

Me: Is that 15 minutes my time? Or 15 minutes your time?

RR: Well, better give me an hour... just in case.

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