It is not often I get to utter those words. In fact, the occurrences are so few that I could actually count them on one hand... possibly two. And when the opportunity does arise to utter those magical words I, of course, usually see it coming and take full advantage. However, yesterday's occurrence took me completely by surprise.
I was working late trying to convince the website that it really did want to accept the code I was feeding it... never an easy thing. As always, I had FaceBook running in the background. I wasn't paying attention to fb whatsoever because Wulfe had gone home hours ago and he's the only reason why I really have it running during the day anyway.
So, imagine my surprise when the Biologist popped up on chat. Yeah... I had that very same thought as well... wtf? Well, Wulfe and I had had an enlightening (on my side) conversation the night before and I decided to continue the trend and get a few things off my chest. So I starting asking questions about things that had really bothered me about our break-up. It was a revelation...
First off I asked why he never texted me back when I had texted that I missed him (in a moment of weakness). His response was textbook: because he didn't want to make things worse. What is it with guys on this point? Seriously? Farmer and I had that same exact conversation once as well... his take? That it makes it harder when you hear you are missed. OK... I so don't get that. For me, I would rather know I was missed. At least that way I know it's just not me feeling that way, and that somehow makes it better. Farmer and the Biologist (and later Wulfe) said the same thing: you're odd. Whatever... I just like to know I'm not in it alone.
Next topic of conversation was the perceived one-sided nature of our relationship. We discussed quite a few things under this heading. He said that even though aspects of me drove him up the wall there were a lot of things he missed once I was gone. And then the conversation ended with a whopper. He said something to the effect of: I never really appreciated what I had and I was a fool to let you go...
Duh... I told you so!!
(Now, because my mother reads this I need to put in a little disclaimer... yes, mother, I still realize what a jerk he is)
Right or wrong, it was a nice little ego-boost. And now I am with someone who does appreciate me and my upsides. And so far Wulfe thinks that my upsides far outweigh the downsides.
I've learned a lot in the last year, so I hope it stays that way...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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