Flash: Is legging up nicely and will be ready for a 30 mile endurance ride on the 20th. So far, he is noncommittal as far as the move to the new place goes. He'll give it a week or so until the new fencing is up and then give his grand pronouncement as to the fitness of the place.
Goodwin: Is getting an education in ponying and will be started under saddle soon. He'll be coming with Flash to Grizzly to check out the sights and sounds of an endurance race. He thinks the new place is fine just as long as the big bale/food all the time routine continues. He thinks that burying himself up to his eyeballs in hay is awesome. Especially when he can do it at 2:30 in the morning or 2:30 in the afternoon.
Seven: Went out on trial to Hanna's niece LT. He had a few rides put on him before he went off, but his 13.2HH frame just isn't enough for my 5' 7" frame. It looks like they have a connection so she will be taking him to Washington to continue to work with him and try to get him ready for a life of endurance. He thinks that life is grand no matter where he is as long as there's someone there to scritch his face and tell him what a good boy he is.
Daisy: Is wondering why she had to do yet another move *deep sigh*. The fenced backyard is nice when the sun is shining and having her very own doggie room is pretty awesome... if she didn't have to share it with the Marshmallow, that is. She thinks the new digs are pretty nice and is enjoying the beef flavored joint supplement and an occasional waffle.
Noelle: Is wondering why she has a fenced yard. After all, she's not prone to wander... in fact, she eagerly sits by the back door just waiting for someone to let her in already. Also, the new place is fine as long as it's equipped with a Chuck-It and someone to operate said Chuck-It. Other than that, the rest are just details.
Stay tuned. Next installment is Update: Work...
And trust me when I say you don't want to miss that one.
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago