I gotta admit, I'm quite liking my new town of residence. Only one problem that I see so far... no one my age really. During the winter this is basically a retiree place. Which is fine except that it would be nice to interact with people in my own generation. Oh well...
A couple of things that have been weighing on my mind a bit though...
1. A place to live. This has been way more of a challenge than I thought it would be. The places that I can afford (and that will accept my dogs) have been places I wouldn't want to be... for a couple of reasons. Either the place was a complete pit or the neighborhood was somewhere in "deliverance" country. However, I may have found a place last night. A guy called in to the paper to place an ad for his small rental cottage. 1 br/1 ba (fine... just me, don't need a ton of space), fenced yard, dogs accepted and all utilities included except power... and in my price range. It will be ready at the end of the month. Perfect timing too. I think I'll be taking that one. Also, it's on a month-to-month if I happen to find something better.
2. Farmer. He's on my mind for a couple of reasons. First I have basically dumped my critters on him while I've been off trying to get things figured out here at the coast. This I feel really bad about... although he doesn't seem to know why I would feel guilty. The guys have said I can bring my dogs here to stay while I'm house sitting and I appreciate the offer. The problem? The have a TON of knick-knack type items that I am afraid Noelle would (not intentionally) destroy while I'm not at home to supervise. I know at Farmer's that they are safe and can get into very little trouble. Oh, he'll call me and tell me about things they've done (such as chewing the top off of a medicine bottle or dragging stuff out of the burn barrel) but for the most part it is a working farm where there is very little to get destroyed. But I feel like I'm taking advantage of Farmer and I never want him to feel that way... because I love him.
The 2nd reason is a little more complicated. And one I don't know how to discuss... I miss him. I'm sure he misses me too although he really doesn't say anything because he doesn't want to make it harder. Plus we're in a very weird place right now. Hendrix had asked if we were still together... good question. The short answer? It's complicated...
We're not together, but we are more than just friends. I'm not really sure where he stands on all of this. I have put it out there about doing the long-distance thing. I'm not sure he really wants to go there either... I'm not sure exactly why but I do have my suspicions. I have a feeling that he will feel it's very 1-sided because I would be doing all of the traveling... I know he doesn't have time to come here therefore it would be up to me to go there. Which I do anyway because (like I previously mentioned) I miss him and I get to see my critters... dogs and horses. I'm probably going to have to leave at least 2 horses there so I'll be headed that way quite a bit. I don't know... my opinion is why not give it a try and if the travel gets to be a drag or if we're just not connecting then call it good. I don't know about him, but I enjoy talking to him and hearing how his day went. When I'm there it's just nice to sit around on a Saturday evening and spend time together.
But, like I said... we really haven't discussed it so I have no idea where he stands on any of this. And I don't want to discuss this over the phone... this is an "in person" kind of discussion, I think. But maybe not... who knows?
I do know that this weekend I'm headed to my parent's house to dog-sit so I won't be headed to EO. I could make a day trip but that is a lot of driving in a very short weekend.
I'm thinking if Farmer and I did make a go of this long-distance I would probably be cutting it to 2 weekends a month... for my own sanity (and possibly his).
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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