It's Thanksgiving today... all day. For me, now back in the newspaper business, it's hard to remember that Thanksgiving hasn't actually happened yet. I'm already onto deadlines for papers coming in December... and the focus is on Christmas. Sometimes it's hard to remember that it's still November.
But, I have the day off (paid) and I'm at the Parentals looking forward to good food and good times. Unfortunately my body doesn't realize that we are not back in EO... once again I am awake at 5:45am on the nose (again, I totally blame this on Farmer). So, while the rest of the house sleeps peacefully (dogs included) I have decided that now is a good time to reflect on where I'm at, what I'm thankful for, and where I'm headed in the future. Deep, I know...
So, let's start with the "where I'm at" portion of this program:
It has been a crazy year filled with some incredible ups and some very tough downs. I have survived a failed marriage, 2 failed relationships (one of which really had potential), being fired (from a job I hated and don't miss one bit) and 3 monumental moves. Yeah... no wonder I'm tired all the time. It's been a hell of a year.
However, somehow I have managed to land in a good place (and we are now in the "what I'm thankful for" portion of the program for those of you who didn't catch the transition). I love the coast. I have the gorgeous coast range at my back, the ocean at my front, my family and friends only a short drive away, and a job that I really love (even when I'm working hellacious hours). It is a good place where I am at. I would usually stop and lament about the things that didn't work out quite the way I wanted, but that's for another post. This post is about the things that are working... not the ones that aren't or didn't. Oh, and did I mention I get to move into my place this weekend? I get my to have my doggies with me!! I can't tell you how much I've missed them. I know they've had a good time with Farmer, but they are my pups and I miss having them around. I know all you critter owners out there know exactly what I mean.
The other thing that has been very interesting is the phenomenon of FaceBook. I have reconnected with so many people and rekindled so many old friendships... it is wonderful. It's like a huge support system that you could never have outside of technology and the internet. For instance... my buddy Wulfe and I met up for drinks and some din-din last night. I had been friends with him in high school. Hadn't seen or heard from him in at least 20 years. He found me on FB and we began reconnecting which led to an extremely fun night last night. We talked for hours. He's a cool guy that I'm glad came back into my life again. And so it has been with many others... old roommates, ex-boyfriends, past classmates... all there at the touch of my fingers. When I'm down, I know just who to tell... all my friends on FB and the love and support just rolls in. Fantastic!!
As for where I'm headed in the future? I do know that love will eventually find me again. Until then I think I'll just take it easy and have some fun. I feel the old confident me starting to re-emerge... I have missed her. And this is why my dinner with Wulfe was so interesting... he reminded me of the person I used to be. I had forgotten some things that I really need to hold on to. Oh, there are things about that person I used to be that I have no problem leaving in the past... but there are some things that I have rediscovered that I plan on keeping better track of in the future.
Nothing is quite so liberating as seeing yourself through someone else's eyes. It gives you a whole new perspective. It was one of the things that I really enjoyed with Farmer (and still do...).
Well, Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Thank you for your support and kind words over the last 8 months... it has been much needed.
And now I'm going to lay off the happy pills and see about rustling up some turkey...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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