Monday, February 21, 2011

When somewhat servicable technology goes wrong...

A few weeks ago, RR got a new phone... the Droid X.

It is an awesome phone for 2 reasons. 1) It does some very cool stuff and has some very cool apps (I'm having a bit of app jealousy). 2) It works with RR's bluetooth so that he doesn't go around doing this anymore:

The rubber bands do explain my difficulty with communication sometimes...

They were cutting circulation off to his brain...

I want to know what the people driving by thought?
I'd be terrified...

But Oregon is now a hands-free state and he didn't want to break the law. Thank goodness I knew nothing about any of this until the phone was long gone... otherwise I think I might have taken a sledgehammer to it. It does make him look a little crazy though...

Also, it's Farmer's 29th (for real) birthday today. Make sure and wish him a happy birthday in the comments. Love you, my friend. Hope it's a great day...


  1. That is the funniest thing I've seen all day.

  2. WTF, not quite what he'd get pulled over for, likely for suspicion of DWI! -Clown
