Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's amateur hour...

I swear the paper did not deserve my talent. Especially when they take something that I designed the hell out of and make it look like a 3rd grader got a hold of it.

Remember the project I hated more than life itself (TPIHMTLI)? Well I may have hated it, but I did make sure it looked really damn good by the time it left the building. And when I left the paper I left them months worth of templates to work with. It was idiot proof... or so I thought.

What the cover used to look like. Classy, clean, visually interesting...

What the cover looks like now. Crass, crowded and uninteresting...

I mean, what font is that they are now using at the top? And who slaps such visually uninteresting headers like that on a cover? And why the hell is the bar hanging out on either side? Wanna bet that the printed copy has those bars hanging out too? 


They definitely didn't deserve my attention to detail and talent. Glad I'm now at a place that does appreciate the skills I have to offer...

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