Hard to believe, but this is my 100th post. Amazing to think that I would have so much to write about that could possibly fill 100 posts... but there you have it.
I have a hodge-podge of topics to cover today, so let's get this party started...
1. El Dub (aka my dad) was mentioning that he absolutely cannot understand why I put myself out here like I do. His reasoning: people will take the information and knowledge that you give them and use it against you. And, I suppose, some might. I think that this tarnished view of the world comes from his being in some sort of sales type job for most of his life... I think jobs like that scar you for life (I mean, look at the dealership... I was lucky to escape with very little brain damage). I happen to think that most people want to see good things happen and try to support you in your endeavors. If I'm wrong about that I hope to remain blissfully unaware. So I will continue to "put it out there". It's been nice knowing I'm not the only one going through these things.
2. Moving on to mom now... She is convinced that the reason I "do not have religion" is because organized religion is very inconvenient. And it is... VERY inconvenient. But that isn't the reason. I really haven't found one yet that really "speaks" to me. Her argument would be that you have to go to know... yes, yes. I get that. Perhaps that is something I will explore in the next year. Maybe...
3. OK, now for the "big juan"... THE MOVE. Yes, it happened this weekend. And, boy, let me tell ya... what a weekend it was. Did a trip down to EO to pick up my stuff from Farmer's. That was tough but I made it through. The bonus? It was sunny with no wind so Flash and I went out for a nice ride as well. It was hard to really say goodbye to Farmer. Oh, I'll see him now and again (he does have my horses, after all) but it won't be the same. I don't live there anymore...
So, got that stuff and drove back to Hillsboro. Loaded up my brother's truck and my car and headed to the coast on Sunday. Got everything moved into the house... did I mention that I have just moved into a postage stamp? Seriously. This place is small... The dogs are wondering how the hell to get out of the way when I'm trying to get stuff put away. The bonus is that there is a yard, the utilities are paid and I'm only a block and a half from the beach.... it's awesome.
The dogs and I are loving our morning walks on the beach... and what a great way to start the day!!
I'm feeling pretty damn lucky. Things are starting to sort themselves out.... finally. It's been a tough year, but it's ending on a good note.
Couldn't ask for anything more...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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