Wildflower texted me the other night to tell me about her date with a new guy. I haven't quite decided what to call him yet, so for now he's just "the guy"...
Apparently The Guy made quite the impression. He brought flowers (major bonus points there) and when they parted ways in the evening he gave her a kiss on the hand and the neck. For her, this is the epitome of the best first date ever. Which is great. I couldn't be happier. Wildflower is the type that loves romance and someone who doesn't have a problem saying what they are feeling. And after having dated a few that jerked her around, I'm glad that this one seems to be legit.
Farmer also texted me the other day to say that the majority of his conversations with California Girl are by phone and not by text. Sorry. My bad... I wish that this one were closer to him. I think there would definitely be more going on if she were.
And as for me...
I met up with the guy from Sunday (don't really have a name for him yet, either... I must be losing my touch) last night to do some bowling. Well, we tried to do some bowling... but apparently there was a league that thought they had dibs on the lanes. So I guess I will have to wait to show off my bowling skills another time.
Instead we ended up going to a Peruvian restaurant and had some din-din and possibly the best margarita I've ever had. It was nomz...
Anyway, same thing happened last night that happened on Sunday. We ended talking for about 5 hours. Jury is still out on how much time I spent talking vs. him... I want to say it was 50/50, however he gave me a bad time about being so chatty so maybe it was more like 60/40... or 70/30. Whatever. I was chatty. Possibly verging on the point of being TMI, but I've always been the type to just throw it out there and see what sticks. I guess my philosophy is this: if they don't like it, then I probably won't hear from them again. Best to get it sorted out at the beginning rather than have things drag on and then find out it's just not going to work. Right? Right...
Anywho, moving on...
My chattiness must not have been that bad because we are getting together again on Saturday. That bodes well, right? Right...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
At least one of us is making progress