1. Old habits die hard. On my way home from work last night I came upon a wreck. An SUV had taken out a couple of telephone poles. My first inclination was to pull over and take pictures, but not because I like looking at accidents. Neither newspaper I worked for had designated photographers so if you came upon something newsworthy you snapped a photo or faced the wrath of the editor and publisher...
2. People rarely say what they are actually thinking. Unfortunately this continues to be true no matter how old I get. And it befuddles me. I guess my best friends (Bff, Wildflower, Clown and Farmer) are the types that don't mince words. If you ask them for their opinion on a given subject, they are going to give it... warts and all. Why can't all people just operate like this? I was blessed (or cursed) without a filter between my brain and my mouth, so no one ever need wonder what is on my mind...
3. No matter where I live, my sinuses are going to be upset. At the coast it was too moist and salty. Here it is too dry. I guess it's back to putting balm up the nose to keep the nosebleeds to a minimum... *sigh*
4. Some songs, no matter how many times I hear them, still affect me. Funny how very specific memories attach themselves to very specific songs. And when I hear those songs (even after years) I am whisked back to that moment in time. The brain is amazing that way...
5. The universe helps those that help themselves. I am amazed at people who sit around waiting for good things in life to happen. In my experience, you have to go out and make those things happen... or they won't happen. Pretty simple...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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