Yup, that's right. I'm blogging about the "L" word.
Well, technically it's 2 words.
So, I guess I'm really blogging about the "LT" words. But that doesn't sound as catchy...
For a lot of people, Living Together is a big deal. When I was younger I kind of got this. After all, it felt like a big deal. But as I get older I have found that my opinion on the subject has changed drastically. For better or for worse, I'm not sure. I suppose it depends on which side of the family you ask...
Anyway, Jewel and Mr. Mustache have been dating for a few months. All is going really well. Both have the desire to reduce their bills. So, they have decided to move in together...
Jewel has said she's getting some flack for this. But I really don't see the issue (sorry Flip Flop, but I don't). If it works, great. If it doesn't, then you kick the bum out and find another place.
The only thing I asked her is if there was a lease. There wasn't. So, in my book all is well.
No harm, no foul...
Why are people so up in arms over this subject? I mean, I can see issues if you rush to join your bank accounts or start a family. But this is just a place to live. You can always find another one of those. Really.
Sure it may not be as nice, but that's not the point...
So, I'm giving Jewel and Mr. Mustache my blessing. Can't wait for the housewarming party :)
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
I'm with you on this one. I don't see the big deal.