Although I loath packing and moving, making this jump to Bend will allow me to, once again, pursue some of my favorite hobbies.
Such as endurance riding. Flash and I miss it... a lot. We love getting out and just going for a few hours at the extended trot. It's fun... for both of us (I swear).
My plan is to immediately get back in the training groove and make it to at least one endurance race this year. I'm aiming for the Oregon 100 on September 10th. Although we won't be doing 100... I'm thinking a nice, easy 25. It's less than a month to train for it, but I think he'll come up to it pretty quickly. If not, then we will shoot for a good season next year.
The next thing I'm really looking forward to is being able to play soccer again. It's been far too long and I really miss it. And although I'm too late for outdoor this year, there is indoor to be played all fall and winter long. I even see that they have a co-ed open play on friday nights... whoo hoo :)
The last thing I'm looking forward to is being out in the country again. Don't get me wrong, it's been nice living a block from the beach, but I'm ready to be out of the glare of the city lights and to be able to really see the stars again.
And to not hear any neighbors. That will be worth all the trouble of this move...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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