I want to giggle.
The last few days have proven to me that I'm getting out while the getting is good.
It is crazy here right now. The parent company of this newspaper has been buying up other small community papers right and left. And the "mother ship" is the paper in Tillamook where the owner is the publisher (never a good idea, but he's far to ego-driven to listen to reason). The Owner has decided that it would be a fabulous idea if all of the production and design for all of the papers was handled in Tillamook.
Yeah, that's a great idea. Not. The logistical nightmares make me giggle...
Also, Ally was told point-blank that the goal of the paper is quantity not quality. Because our readership is too stupid to know the difference...
Holy. Shit. Wow...
Poor Ally. It's gotta be hard to be a managing editor with integrity when the owner of company has none.
But that's not all...
They decided to move the printing of this paper to a different company. Today's paper was our first printed there. As far as I know, I think it looks OK... but I can't really say because the paper didn't actually, you know, get delivered today. Apparently 1 of the inserts was wrong. Rather than put a sign at that store and offer them a credit, the Owner (in all his infinite wisdom (dripping sarcasm)) decided the better thing to do would be to delay the paper a day and piss off the 8,000 subscribers and the rest of the inserts instead.
Holy. Shit. Wow...
It's like there isn't a functioning brain up there in Tillamook. Well, obviously there isn't. No reasonable business owner handles a problem like that, like that. Seriously.
Blows. My. Mind.
And makes me giggle uncontrollably...
Only 7 more days.
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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