I belong to a couple of horse blogs and Facebook pages. And for the most part, I find everything I read pretty helpful. But once in a while, I just want to slap someone...
Well, I actually want to slap someone more often than just once in a while, but usually for much different reasons than I'm talking about today.
I posed the (rhetorical) question a few days ago about horse shoes vs. horse boots. If you are not Horsaii, then you probably didn't give a hoot. However, I also posed this question on the Facebook forum too. That might have been a mistake. The nutters decided to ooze from the wall and spout nonsense and drivel about how their way is the only way.
Anyone who tells me there is only one way to do anything (I don't care what it is) is trying to sell you something. Seriously.
Every horse is different. What works for one will not necessarily work for another. The same goes for dogs. And kids. And emus.
You get the point.
It just angers me when people are so insistent that I should use their way. I have no problem listening to what their way is. I may use it. I may not. I will file it away in the ol' brain under 1 of 3 categories: 1. Definitely worth trying... looked very useful 2. That might work in a certain situation 3. I will never try that. It looked like a train wreck in the making...
And guess what? I get many compliments on how well-behaved my animals are. So I must be doing something right...
OK. Rant over. You may go back to your regularly scheduled program now...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
nag nag nag :)
ReplyDeletehave I earned a smack yet or do I need to tease you with more Sushi Pictures???
Mmmmm.... sushi.