So, things have started to settle down here a bit. We had a minor discussion the other night because Farmer thought I was avoiding him (I wasn't) and in turn that was making him more stressed out (the exact opposite of what was supposed to be happening). But in the end, it got sorted and all has been well... up till an hour ago.
I put the idea out there about possibly carving pumpkins... OK, not the most exciting activity, I know, but I figured it was the one with the best chance of happening given schedules. Farmer's reaction? Not interested... and not only that but I could go do it by myself. OK... that's the truncated version, but you get the idea. Needless to say, I was a tad offended. I didn't bring it up to have it flung back in my face. I know that I can do this or that by myself. The point was I was inviting him to do it with me. It's an invitation I would have extended to any of my friends.
So I guess this is why I was frustrated. Even if it was something he didn't want to do, that's fine. But I guess I was waiting for an alternate suggestion or something else. Not a "feel free to do it by yourself" kind of attitude. He felt like I'm trying to put him into a box that he just doesn't fit into. And maybe I am...
I don't mean to. But I have no idea how to proceed now.
Ahhhh... this is not helping my stuffed up head (oh yeah, fighting a cold now, too). I suppose the best course of action (read: so I don't try to stuff him in a box that he doesn't fit into) I will let him make the suggestions of things to do in the future.
Or whatever...
I'm having a hard time thinking... I think the sudafed has finally kicked in. My head feels fuzzy...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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