I do believe the term "running around like a chicken with my head cut off" just might describe the last few days.
So, in last post's episode, I had just been fired... and was basically having a big pity party. That was Wednesday night.
On Thursday I got a call from a publisher at a newspaper at the Oregon coast that was looking for a Production Manager... was I interested in coming down for an interview? Um.... yeah!! So I prepped my portfolio, forwarded my references by email and prepared to drive 5 hours to the interview the next day... which was being held at my FAVORITE restaurant.
Friday I got up and drove to the coast through the pouring rain. At the coast it wasn't too bad. It so happened that I beat the publisher to the restaurant. So I picked a table that would accommodate my portfolio (and our lunch) and proceeded to wait for her to show up. When she did, she asked me if I had any other questions other than what was discussed over the phone... we talked about a few other things and then she proceeded to tell me that she had talked to my former boss in Prineville at the CO and was ready to offer me the job.
OMG... before I could even say yes she added oh and by the way, can you start Monday? I about fell out of my chair. But when the universe speaks you cannot ignore it. So, of course, I said yes. And then proceeded to have a mental melt-down. But lunch was nice LOL
So, went back to EO for the weekend... packed up the car and headed to the coast. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that I have just moved 5 hours away from Farmer. I'm a little bummed about that. I had hoped that would end up going somewhere. Maybe right person, wrong time... but I'm not going to argue with the universe. I asked and it answered.
So... I started this blog on Sunday night and it's now Tuesday night. The first 2 days went by very quickly. I still feel like I'm visiting because I'm living out of my car and a motel. Hopefully I can find a place to live soon.
I do love my new job, though... and all the people I work with. Not sure how I'll like the weather, but the fact that I can walk a short distance and see the ocean anytime I want is pretty dang nice.
So far, so good.
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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