It was a crazy day at work yesterday. Many ups and downs.... drama, galore. Welcome to the business of car sales. One day you can be picking your nose and hoping that you make it through the day without a nap. The next you're running around like a chicken with your head cut off hoping that you get it all done and make some money doing it. Crazy stuff...
So, the day started off pretty much how the rest of the week went. Not much going on. Then... shit hit the fan. A customer called in looking for a car and wanted to know if we had that make and model. We did. She was ready to buy over the phone and have it shipped to her. As I was wrapping up the paperwork she happened to ask if it was a 4x4. It was not. Deal busted... and I was so sad. That was going to be my first.
Then the boss-man starts sending out inventory to the other store. He happens to send out a van that I had a couple coming in to look at. When they arrive, boss gets on the phone and tells the person delivering the van to the other store to turn around and bring it back. In the mean-time I start pre-qualifying these people so we're ready to rock and roll when the van finally arrives. At first they were thinking about trading in their other van on the cash-for-clunkers deal (from here on out referred to as cfc). We run all the numbers and get it set up. Then they decide they're going to keep their van and just put more money down. They want to know how much they need to put down in order to keep their payment around $300. So I go ask the boss. He says, try $10,000 to start. So I walk over and say... $10,000 ought to do it. They say to me... who do we make the check out to? It was all I could do to not giggle with glee. Instead I kept my "business as usual" game face on. Or what I image that face looks like...
So, the couple who wanted the van patiently waited for almost an hour and a half until the van reappeared. They took it for a test drive and loved it. Now, at the same time this was happening all of the other sales guys (3 of them) were in the midst of sales themselves. So, when we got back from the demo we were 4th in line to get them in with the financial guy and get the paperwork done. The couple first arrived at around 4:15pm. At this time it's around 6:45pm. Luckily for us, there is a restaurant right next door. I tell them to go get dinner and that I'd come and get them if we needed them for anything.
So, now it's 7:45pm and we're still waiting for our turn with the finance guy (I was off at 7pm). At 8:10pm we finally get them in and signing paperwork. At 9:05pm I see them out the door and they drive off in their brand new van... happy as can be.
And I just made a bunch of money. What a rush...
All told, I made just under $100 an hour for my day. Not bad... not bad at all.
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
YAY! Amazing! Good job!
ReplyDeleteCollege, Boys, and a job, all at 18