So, as the new year starts to draw near these are the times I once again start thinking about what I would like to accomplish in the next year. My theory in the past has been to shoot high in the hopes that maybe something will stick. So, here is my wish list for the next year...
1. Purchase a home. Now there are a few obstacles standing in the way of this one... I need to get the house in Idaho sold. Without that being out of my hair I really have no down payment and the thought of more than one mortgage scares the hell out of me. (True, ex-hub is taking care of it now, but as his circumstances change, this might too). As far as must haves for the home - Land... the more the better. Preferably with it's own water source somewhere on the property. The house itself I really don't care about as long as it has good feng shui. It has to have the right feeling... yes, yes, I know. That sounds stupid. But it's how I operate... Ask Wulfe. He witnessed that side of me first-hand this weekend (scared the crap out of him). The other thing is that I would like that home to be here, at the coast. I love this place... it has the best of all worlds. Jobs are tough to come by, but I happen to have one that I love and I really would like to stick with it (at least for a few years).
2. Love. (Shhhhhhhh... this is my wish list). Yes, I really want to be in love again. I know, I know. I am a glutton for punishment... I can't help it. It has been rough in that department this past year but as the end of this year draws to a close there is light on the horizon for this particular wish.
3. The horses here with me. This kind of ties in to #1, but I would like to have the critters here as soon as possible. I just need to find a way to make that happen. What I need is someone close that has a pasture sitting vacant that only wants $25 a head per month. Again... this is my list, so a girl can dream, can't she?
4. Shed a few pounds. OK... maybe more than a few. I feel better when I am at least 10 lbs lighter than I am now... I would prefer 20 or so. The puppies and I have started walking every morning so I'm hoping that will help. Plus, if I can get the horses down here I'd like to start training for endurance races again. I know Flash is ready to go and the first race I'd like to do is in April. Not sure if I can get the camper rounded up from Idaho by then... but something to think about.
5. Deal with Idaho. I am tired of uttering the phrase: I have that... but it's in Idaho. Ex-hub and I are still on pretty good terms, but I'm wondering how long that will last? He seems to be entering into the "angry" phase... as witnessed by the fact that he apparently stuck his hand through a window last week. Definitely not the person I remember. Plus, I am just ready to cut ties with that relationship once and for all. If there really is a friendship there it is pretty one-sided. Just like our marriage, if I don't make the effort then it just doesn't happen. I am ready to cut those types of people out of my life.
Well, I think that is an intimidating enough list for now... We shall see how well I do in getting 'er done.
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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