Clown called me a few nights ago to tell me about this article he was reading in maxim titled "Sex: Have your cake and eat it too". Written by a woman telling men how to get away with cheating on their spouse or significant other...
He thought it sucked. So do I...
Full article here:
Basic points:
1. Make your girl a guy. If it is, in fact, that whore in your office that you've been boning that is calling or texting, by no means should she be in your phone under her real name—or a female name at all. I mean, there is no way your lady is going to think it odd that your buddy "Chuck" is sending you texts saying how hot your ass is. Uh huh...
2. Hackproof your life. Self-explanatory.
3. Always be reachable... even if you have to stop mid-whatever to do it. This one makes me speechless.
4. Take it to the grave. Again, self-explanatory.
5. Choose wisely. Perhaps the single most important factor in having your affair go unnoticed is choosing a girl who won’t—or can’t—throw you under the bus. Newsflash: no such thing exists. There is a reason the saying is: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I'm so blown away by the idiocy of this article that I will just highlight the parts I found most offensive. Well, actually the whole premise is quite offensive... is there no integrity in the world anymore? I mean, who would read this crap and think "yeah, now I have the tools to get away with it"?
If you want to be a cheating bastard, go find a whore who could care less (and is most likely cheating on you too) and leave the rest of us with morals, integrity and a heart out of it.
We don't want you, or whatever diseases you might be bringing home...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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