Tomorrow is the last day that CPSL has to get my deposit refund to me. When I spoke to him before Christmas, he assured me then that I'd have the check within the next week or so...
I didn't hold my breath. Wisely...
However I really need the money now (thanks to a snafu by ex-hub that I won't rant about yet) and so I decided to give CPSL a call yesterday afternoon to see when I could actually expect said check to arrive.
My first surprise was that he actually answered the phone. Oh good. At least he's not dodging my calls... yet. So we chit-chatted for a moment. He lamented over the fact that he was on his way to Salem for a root canal (karma's a bitch, I know) and I just tried to play nice while I rolled my eyes. Then I asked about the check. My exact words: So, when can I come and pick up that check?
Dead silence.
I thought for a moment he had hung up on me. Then he said that he would rather talk about that when he gets back into town.
Huh. Either you have it or you don't. Why do you need to be "back in town" to discuss money that is rightfully mine over the phone again? I'm confused...
But I decided to let him off the hook for now. I asked him when he would be "back in town" and then told him I would call him back. Thanks for putting up with me he says as he rapidly clicks off. I wonder if he'll still be thanking me when I sue him and put a lien on his house? Which he's trying to sell...
So, that was a fail. No money on the way yet. Damn...
After that phone call I decided to call CACL about the dryer and the water heater. Figured as long as I was on a roll I would just go for broke...
So, I got him on the phone and asked him about the dryer first. Well, he thought that the breaker was wired for a 40 amp breaker. Come to find out, it's not. Shocking, I know. So, it won't be until this weekend when he has a chance to get an electrician out there to fix that. OK, fine. So, for now I have to keep walking around the house and flipping that breaker in order to get a load of wash dried. My question is: did the previous tenets not have a dryer? I mean, this is just crazy. But whatever. Supposedly it'll be fixed this weekend...
I then brought up the fact that I had talked to a certified home inspector (El Dub) about the hot water heater being split into two breaker boxes with no phases (whatever the hell those are) and that it was very dangerous. At first, CACL tried to argue with me and say that it was just fine and that there was no danger whatsoever. So then I asked if I could have my dad take a look at it when he came by this weekend (small, white lie) and CACL freaked out about that. He told me no, that my dad would just try to fix it. I explained to him that he wouldn't try to fix it but I wanted to make sure that, you know, my house wasn't about to burst into flames or some such thing. CACL then informed me that they were taking out the water heater and giving each unit it's own tankless water heater that would be run on gas. OK, now we're talking... Gas is way cheaper here than electric. Works for me...
I have no idea if that was his plan all along or not, but either way it's a win for me. And CACL just called me to tell me that we are on the schedule for the tankless installation.
I can't wait to be able to take long, hot showers again. Now if he fixes my dryer this weekend all will be well. I'll be pretty thrilled to do a load of laundry that doesn't take 3 days because I keep forgetting that I have to go flip the breaker switch.
And maybe then my laundry won't smell like it molded...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
Well, if it does wash it again with large quantities of baking soda. Found that out when I stupidly waited for a notorious "leave stuff in the dryer" type.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip... gonna need that for the load that has been languishing in the dryer for a few days now... :(