So yesterday I wasn't having the best day. I felt like crap and stayed home and in bed. In the morning RR brought me breakfast and checked in on me, which was great. I proceeded to spend most of the day in bed sleeping... which was also great.
In the afternoon I got up to make some tea. I put the teapot on the front burner and turned it on. And waited. And waited. And waited. The burner never got hot. So, I switched the teapot to the back burner and texted RR that it wasn't working (he's my go-to fix-it guy).
Later that night, after RR had had an exhausting day he came by to make us some din-din and check out the burner that wasn't working. After about 5 minutes I hear some cursing and crashing coming from the kitchen. I inquire as to what's going on in there but my request is drowned out by the drone of the vacuum cleaner. Then RR pops his head out of the kitchen and assures me there is nothing to worry about, everything is under control.
Uh huh... sure it is.
Later, when all had settled down I heard the story. RR had mixed a bunch of salt, herbs and spices together in a bowl to use to flavor the burgers he was making. He put that bowl on the back burner and decided to work on the front burner while waiting for the meat to dethaw in the microwave. So, he turned the burner on and then went to grab something else. When he came back there was this crackling noise coming from the stove top but he couldn't seem to isolate where it was coming from.
He kept thinking that it was the front burner making these noises. It wasn't...
RR had inadvertently turned on the back burner (where the bowl of spices n' stuff was sitting) rather than the front one. He was burning the crap out of the salt and spices which, by this time, were expanding at an alarming rate due to the unexpected heat.
Pretty soon the whole cook top was well seasoned... and quite a mess I hear. I don't know for sure because I refused to get out of bed to go assist in the calamity. I figured if nothing else, the dogs would clean up what RR missed. After all, this is why I have dogs, right? To mop my floor and clean up whatever food-stuff I have spilled...
I was just glad it was him and not me that did that. That way I could laugh my butt off and not have to deal with the aftermath...
Thanks, babe. Made my night...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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