Friday, December 10, 2010

O Christmas tree...

In honor of my new place (and because I love Christmas), I got a Christmas tree this year. YAY!!

Now, over the years I have accumulated a vast array of Christmas ornaments and decorations. However, those are currently in Eastern Oregon with Farmer. So instead my cute little noble fir is now decked out in the most gaudy affair that $10 could buy from the $1 store. Oh well...

After all, if you can't be gaudy at Christmas
when can you?

However, at this time my Christmas tree is matching those god-awful curtains just brilliantly. And as soon as I find suitable replacements those things are coming down ASAP. *gag* I mean, who thinks those are attractive anyway? But, of course, I can't just throw them away. They come with the place (hope I'm not paying extra for those things) and therefore they will just have to reside in a corner somewhere until I move out.

But Daisy could care less about the curtains. She's in doggie heaven with the fireplace...

Just turn it on and then leave me be, woman...

So this weekend is the big move. I'm hoping we won't get rained on. But not looking promising, thus far...


  1. Christmas is a great time to be gaudy :) And those curtains are awful!!!!

  2. Yeah... the curtains are bad, aren't they? LOL

  3. Oh yeah... Daisy is so glad to have a fireplace again :)

  4. I had a Christmas tree one year! Chopped it down from my parents' yard in Indiana and drove it south to Alabamer. Not very big, but it served it's purpose. When I came back north to IN to see the family, I gave the tree to some fellow grad students for their enjoyment. Ah, the memories. I sure miss Alabamer (and would prefer the weather there to what we have here now)!!

    Enjoy your tree, however gaudy it may be!
