I find religion to be such an interesting subject. Other than politics, it is one of the most polarizing topics in conversation. I, myself, am a fairly neutral girl. I believe what I believe, try to live by the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) and generally try not to be too judgmental towards others in my life.
But when the subject of who is going to heaven comes up, all bets are off. Every religion thinks they are the only one that has it right. Am I the only one that finds this so amusing? I'm pretty sure that when everyone arrives that there are going to be quite a few surprised people standing there. And quite a few missing who were sure they were going to make it...
It seems to me that those that preach the loudest and then turn around and abuse everything in site are going to be the first to go to hell. At least, I hope that's the case. Nothing pisses me off more than some idiot yelling at the top of his lungs what a "christian" he is to then see him turn around and starve and abuse his kids and animals and beat his wife. It is my sincerest hope that there is a special level of hell just for them...
And don't get me wrong, there are women out there just as bad... except they tend to be the hoarders. So what if the animal is starving? They just looooove them so much and can't possible give the poopsy-whoopsy up so it can have a decent life. That attitude makes me want to rip my hair out... and theirs too.
Mostly I just think that if people would stop talking about how good they are and just, you know, be good people then the world would be a much better place.
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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