The new equine has a name. Whinnington was too much of a mouthful. And Winston just doesn't quite fit. So it's Goodwin (for the fact that he is a very good boy and is a winner now that I have him) and McSpotty because he has 1 very small star on his forehead.
I went and picked him up last night. And even though he is barely halter broke, he led very nicely and stepped right into the trailer (the alfalfa in the manger probably helped with that a little). Once we got back home, he very nicely stood in the trailer and didn't call out once even though Flash and Storm were screaming their heads off.
Once I got in the trailer to offload him, he waited patiently while I got him turned around and then kinda fell off the trailer (guess he didn't see the step down). The stumble got the dogs going which frightened him but he was very respectful of my space and didn't try to jerk the rope out of my hands. He just trotted around me a couple of times while trying to keep an eye on the dogs.
Once I got him out to the pasture, he waited patiently (again) while I took the halter off even though Flash and Storm (again) were being idiots and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. He was still very foot sore, but once he figured out how soft the grass was he took off after them when I turned him loose. He has a very lovely trot and canter. And when I went out later he came up to the gate to get some love. I think he's going to be very easy to break out...
This morning when I went to check on him, he gave me a little neigh and came up to the fence to say hi. He looks much brighter today than he did a few days ago. I can't wait to see what he looks like when he starts to fill out...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
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