Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My alternate reality...

This weekend Bff came to visit. On Sunday, we spent most of the day out on the beach... it was awesome. Bff even went and waded waist deep into the water...

She's nuts. I'm not going in there past my ankles...

However, the ocean tried to get me while I was taking a nap...

So close... you can see where I was laying down and how close the water came.

After that close call I decided to move far enough away so as not to tempt the ocean. Seemed like a smart play on my part. Plus, made for an awesome background to these gems...

Bff and I trying to look our thinnest...

Oh, screw it... We're having a good time.

And when Bff departed for home, it still looked like this outside...

All hail the sun and blue sky...

At that point I was kinda tired, so I decided to go inside and watch some football and possibly catch a nap. As I was napping, the unthinkable happened...

I was transported to an alternate universe.

When I stepped back outside a little over an hour later I encountered this:

What the hell? Where did the sun go?

Not only that, but I was the only one that had been transported. When I went in for a nap, there were people walking around and both sides of the street outside my house were lined with cars. When I came back out after my transportation, the only cars that had made the journey were mine...

I decided to just go back to bed and hope that I would be teleported back to my own universe. This one seemed very lonely.

And when I got up the next day all was right with the world again... 

Welcome back sun. Stay for as long as you'd like...

However, after the day I had at work yesterday, maybe I should have stayed in the alternate universe. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been quite so annoying...

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