Last night I got word that one of my parent's dear friends had passed away. He was a good, good man and he will be dearly missed by all those who knew and loved him dearly...
And his death brings me face-to-face with a sobering reality. Life is too short. And you never know when your time will be up...
I need to stop putting things off and make sure that today is a good day.
Tomorrow will sort itself out how it will, but today is what is important. And all too often I get so caught up in tomorrow that I completely forget about today. It's a very big fault of mine. And one that I'm going to try to actively change.
Starting with this: It's a beautiful day today. Elmo, the pups and I will be heading out to enjoy the sunshine a little later. And I can't think of a better way to "seize the day"...
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago
That's a good thought!